
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Boule – Skull and Bones Society

In 1904, the first African -American Greek Secret Society was formed in Philadelphia, by Dr. Henry Minton and five of his colleagues. The Boule, (an acronym for Sigma Pi Phi) and pronounced “boo-lay”), was formed to bring together a select group of educated Black men and women.

Fashioned after Yale’s Skull and Bones, the Boule historically takes pride in having provided leadership and service to Black Americans during the Great Depression, World Wars I and II, and the Civil Rights Movement.What could the Boule offer America’s Blacks in the early 20th century? Joining the exclusive secret society offered advancement and perks to select Blacks in return for loyalty to its objectives.

The Boule recruits top Blacks in American Society into its ranks. Today, 5000+ Archons, (male Boule members) and their wives, (Archousais), with 112 chapters, make up the wealthiest group of Black men and women on the planet. “Archon” means “demon” – the kind that like to keep hidden.

But to who does the Boule really serve? The Satanic (mostly white) global elite! As long as the Black member conforms to the rules, the riches will be in abundance; if not, down comes the hatchet. Blackmail is part of the deal. This Masonic secret society has a pyramid style like all the rest. The lower ranks are kept from knowing what the upper ranks are doing. The early 20th century was a period of reconstruction.

Marcus Garvey’s “Back to Africa” Movement was in full swing. Garvey represented genuine Black leadership. W.E.B. Dubois, founding member of the NYC chapter of the Boule said, “The Boule was created to keep the black professional away from Marcus Garvey”. The remaking of the House Negro was necessary to institute a group of Blacks who had a vested interest in protecting the Elite White System. It was about selling out brothers and sisters for power and money. The majority of Black lawyers, doctors, engineers and accountants were members of this secret club.

The late conspiracy theorist and Futurologist Steve Cokely, had this to say: “Anywhere there are prominent professional Blacks, chances are they’re in the Boule”. Martin Luther King and Jesse Jackson are reported to have been Boule members, among many other high profile, successful and moneyed Blacks such as Barack Obama, Bill Cosby, Al Sharpton and Thurgood Marshall.The members of the Boule pose as Freedom Fighters or Civil Rights Activists on the surface. In truth, the elite members are operating for personal gain. The Boule works in concert with their masters in maintaining the grip of Illuminati supremacy on their people.The Boule is another arm of the nefarious secret societies that recruit, indoctrinate and cull for the dark forces. Therein are perks galore, power and notoriety all lying in wait for the easily compromised soul.In the Greek system, the Boule was the Lower House of Parliament. Charged with organizing the affairs of the city for the King. Let that sink in.This is an ancient story. The New World Order is The Old World Order. The elite Blacks of the Boule are culling and controlling their own for a slice of the elite white man’s pie.Like other secret societies, the Boule encourages homosexual trysts as initiation practices. This must be done to join the ranks. Bobby Hemmitt says, “Any kind of top-notch Negro gets together and they f*ck each other.”These perversions are then cataloged and stored on record. Later, if needed, these abuses may be used as bargaining tools in the ULTIMATE GAME. What is the Ultimate Game? Capturing human souls.The enemy may appear to have a white face but it goes much deeper than that. This is a force cloaked within many facades, personals, fictions and governing powers.

Incorporated, founded May 15, 1904 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This is the 1st black fraternity in america and was before the 1st black “college” frat, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated which was founded December 4, 1906. The Boule’ is a black GREEK secret society based on another secret society founded at Yale University called Skull & Bones. The Boule’s primary founder was Dr. Henry Minton (along with Dr.’s Eugene T. Henson, Edwin Clarence Howard, Algernon Brashear Jackson, Robert Jones Abele and Richard John Warrick), of Philadelphia.

The founding member of the New York City chapter, WEB DuBois, said the Boule’ was created to
“keep the black professional away from the ranks of Marcus Garvey.”

(One thing that needs to be pointed out is the time period. Shortly after the founding of the Boule’ was also a time Marcus Garvey’s “Back to Afrika” movement was reaching a million-plus people without television or radio.)

DuBois emphasized, as Cokely stated,

“the importance to steal the black professional away from Garvey because an Afrocentric organization that articulated and captured the black professional would give YT no safe haven in the black community, so the Boule’ — the remaking of the house negro was necessary to build a group of negroes who had an investment in protecting the white system as produced by whites having stolen this land…This is post reconstruction. Taking away the articulate negro, now desiring to replace them with organized institutions to keep them away from self improvement. So we find in the same period, as the founding of the Boule’, the founding of the 4 black male (Alpha Phi Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi, Omega Psi Phi, and Phi Beta Sigma) and 4 black female (Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, Zeta Phi Beta, and Sigma Gamma Rho) college-based fraternities and sororities…We also find the founding of the NAACP and Urban League.”DuBois was one of the strongest opponents of Garvey and was an instrumental “tool” in stopping one of the strongest grassroots movements in this century. What was Garvey’s plan? His plan was to take as many Afrikans from the America’s and start a settlement in the nation of Liberia and then help their new nation produce and control their own rubber crops and other industries in natural resources.
Garvey said,

“If the oil of Africa is good for Rockefeller’s interest; if iron is good for Carnegie trust; then these minerals are good for us. Why should we allow wall street and the capitalist group of america and other countries exploit our country when they refuse to give us a fair chance in the countries of our adoption? Why should not Afrika give to the world its black Rockefeller, Rothschild, and Henry Ford?”

DuBois, along with Alain Locke — the first black (Cecil) Rhodes scholar — publicly defiled Garvey by calling him a “gorilla” any chance they got. Locke was quoted as saying:

“We hope the white man deliver’s cause we crushed a great black thing, but we know he’ll deliver or our people will attack and plague us forever more.”

These two house negroes made a bet that whites would come out on top and give a certain percentage of these greedy negroes, namely Boule’ members, the wealth they stole from Afrika. What’s deep is they didn’t believe in Afrikan self-reliance and preferred to have whites give them table scraps instead of us making the whole pie!
Understand the Boule’ represents the weakest element of Afrikan people. As Cokely put’s it,

“It took a type of nigger to form an organization like this. I mean, we just got our a**** kicked during reconstruction, Afrika was divided before our very eyes (The Berlin conference), damn, this was 50 years before Rosa Parks!”

The question is why were these black devils like this? The answer may lie in the fact that the Boule’ is a Greek organization.

As of 2012, there were 101 chapters in the world; yes the Boule’ is in your town! Anywhere there are professional blacks, the Boule’ coagulates. The amount of these men’s wealth (including strong political and economic connections — strong enough to assist in killing Malcolm X and fellow Boule member Martin Luther King!) cannot be matched by any other blacks anywhere in the world!

The History of the Boule
‘Boule’, again, meaning “advisor’s to the king”, is the lower house Inside the Boule’ history book — written by Charles H. Wesley, a Boule’ member, (he also wrote the history books for Alpha Phi Alpha, the Elks, and Prince Hall Masons and founded Central State University in Ohio) wrote on page 28, why one of it’s founding member’s, Minton, who also owned the first black drugstore in the United States, wanted to create such an organization:

“Minton wanted to create an organization which would partake in the tenants (basis, or root) of Skull & Bones at Yale.”

Now who is Skull & Bones? Skull & Bones’ — aka Brotherhood of Death, alias the 2nd chapter of the Illuminati, incorporated for business purposes as Russell Trust, was established in 1776 at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut.

Most politicians, both black and white, are Masons. But there is a difference. Non-whites can only attain 33 degrees; and whites get 33 and 1/3rd. The root of Masonry is of the knowledge (33 1/3 degrees)
Now! If Henry Minton, who was black, wanted to create a black secret society based on these beliefs and customs, what type of devil is he? If you were to look on page 38 of the Boule’s history book, it also says,

“In the building of the organizations plan, reliance was placed upon Greek history and tradition. The reasons of this action are not difficult to discover, for it is well known that the study of Greek civilization was basically an acquaintance with western civilization, although Greek culture had relationships with the culture of the orient.”
If you are familiar with Masonry, or secret societies, members took a pledge to never reveal the secrets of that organization, for if he did, his punishment would be death. This is why we it’s difficult to get any of the Boule’ member’s to tell us what’s up. Thanks, to an article written July 18th, 1990 of the LA Times and one published in the, Washington Post, November 23, 1991, this secret society was exposed. Because people are beginning to find out about the history of the Boule, as well as their own children lacking interest in continuing the mental and spiritual rape of Afrikan people, the Boule publicly claims themselves as only a “social” organization. Fellow Boule’ member — and so-called, Afrocentric scholar Asa Hilliard, was confronted in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Harlem, New York about his affiliation with the Boule’. The first time he said,
“we’re just a group of people that throw banquets and picnics,”

Understand that all black “leaders” white America gave us, actually had an allegiance with white supremacy. 

If you think about it, back in the early 1900s, we weren’t even 40 years out of slavery. So the house negro/field Afrikan mentality was still in existence. Most Afrikans, of that time, had gone through much self-denial. The old cliche’, “If you black, get back; if you brown, stick around; if you yellow, you’re mellow; and if you white, you i-ight or right!”, was rampant and most of our ancestors lost themselves through bleaching their skin, conking their hair, and speaking “civilized” in order to be seen different than a field nigga.
We must also realize that most of our co-founders of black organization’s were mulatto’s (very light-skinned). These house negroes had already felt they were better than dark-skinned blacks. And went out of their way to prove to whites they were different. Because we were now “free”, whites still needed to keep an eye on us. They needed an overseer. This is why around the same time as the founding of the Boule’, we find the founding of the NAACP and the Urban League. These “black” organizations were co-founded by Jewish spies who used DuBois as their scapegoat!!
One must also note that NAACP co-founder, Joel Spingarn, a known beast who spied on the Afrikan community, was also very influential in the finding of the Boule’. A lot of us don’t know that a lot of these organizations were really a front! They were supposed to defend the countless atrocities against black people; on the contrary, we found out the very whites we were complaining about, actually help find these organizations!! This makes a lot of sense now. I see why the NAACP doesn’t even own the building national headquarters of located at. Think about it. With all the loot the NAACP gets annually, and they still have to pay rent for their building?! That’s because they have to answer to someone(whites) who is their major fund raiser.
While we were being lynched, raped, and murdered by YT, we thought these organizations would help us fight for justice; later to find out the person our “leaders” answer to is the very one with blood on his hands!! Can you see why we are in the shape we’re in today Afrikans?! It is very evident. In the words of Cokely,

“When we look at the Boule’ closely, we find a confusion of values. Black men who felt that their advancement was edged upon a positive relationship with wealthy and influential white people. And I say that that may have an adverse impact on our revolution. Therefore, we give them (the Boule’) today, this official warning…Our goal is not to kill off the Boule’; but to warn them as an organization. To warn the individual that if they bring false values, or worship a false idol, into the community at a time the community attempts to self-determinate (liberate ourselves), if we gave the call, they will come and grab you, we have every one of your addresses and phone numbers, we can get you, if we choose to. But we only choose to ask you to step aside and the day we got to get “massa”, you find some way to be on vacation…To kill off the Boule’ would be like eating the peel off a banana and ignoring the actual banana.”

In other words, in order to stop the puppet, you must stop the puppeteer.
There is also a Boule’ membership book with some very interesting names. Out of the list there are members such as, Dr. Daniel Hale Williams — performed 1st open heart surgery; Ralph Bunch — former UN Ambassador; Arthur Ashe; Urban League President, Whitney Young; Martin Luther King, Jr.; Benjamin Mays; Carter G. Woodson; John H. Johnson; Maynard Jackson — ex-mayor of Atlanta (all who died never speaking of the Boule’ and therefore taking the secrets of white supremacy with them); Baseball great Hank Aaron; Tom Bradley – tv personality; Dennis Archor – mayor of Detroit; Elvin Big ‘E’ Hayes; Bill Cosby; Jesse Jackson; Earl Graves; Douglass Wilder; ex-Steeler, Lynn Swann, and David Dinkins – ex-mayor of New York City, to name a few. Most Boule’ members are of the “successful” group. As Cokely puts it, “Yes the Boule’ is in your town!” Anywhere there are “prominent” professional blacks, chances are they’re in the Boule’. Brother Cokely is the God that should be given biggup’s to. His tireless dedication and research has allowed the masses of Afrikan people to know the truth of which the Boule’ has pledged to never let you know. We have the roster up to 1994 which includes 101 chapters. It is now 1998, we haven’t yet gotten the latest roster, but I’m sure there are quite a few more. Next piece, we will elaborate on the symbolism behind their logo, their colors, the origin of college fraternities and sororities and the close relation to demonic masonry. Continue to seek knowledge and we shall find.

My next incision will go a level deeper. I will perform open heart surgery and split open the aorta of these so-called black Greeks; I will define the meaning of the Boule’s logo — the Sphinx; their colors; and more of their connection with masonry. Let’s start with their logo.

Most will say it is a sphinx. True, but not truth. Most will associate the sphinx with the tall, solid block statue our ancestors built in ancient KMT (in Afrika). Because we have been conditioned to accept without question, we never thought of looking up what the word sphinx means. Look in any dictionary and it will tell you that a sphinx is a third part woman, one-third eagle and one-third lion (notice the breasts and wings). So when I think of the tall statue in KMT, does it look like a woman?? Where are the breasts?! What about the wings?! The original, Afrikan name is Her-Em-Akhet, which means Heru of the horizon and has the face of the builder, Khafre. When we look up the definition of sphinx, it means “to strangle, guard; gatekeeper or protect”. This has nothing to do with Kemet or Afrikan people.The sphinx is a Grecian myth and is a major part of masonry.

According to the Greeks, this beast was a guardian of the city of Thebes. She sat on a cliff on the only path leading to the city. Anyone that wanted to enter Thebes had to first confront the sphinx. The sphinx would ask one simple riddle and if you didn’t know the answer, she would devour you, tearing you to pieces. The king, Creon, was upset that many people were unable to enter his city. He consulted a homosexual named Oedipus (NOTE: homosexuality was a norm for the Grecian culture).
The king offered his crown and his daughter if he could kill the sphinx. So he bounced to where she was and she asked him the riddle, “What has one voice, and goes on four feet on two feet and on three, but the more feet it goes on the weaker it be?” Oedipus responded, “Man — who crawls on all fours as a baby, then walks on two as an adult, and walks with a cane in old age.” After answering the riddle correctly, the sphinx committed suicide by jumping off the cliff and Oedipus was claimed king of Thebes for outsmarting the beast.
They could never understand what Her-Em-Akhet means. The statue faced the east because our ancestors knew the pineal gland is the seat of the Afrikan soul and when the sun rises in the east, it hits the forehead (pineal gland), suppressing the beastly nature of man. As author Tony Browder puts it,

“Symbolically, the body represents the animal nature which exists in woman, and the lion exemplifies the royalty and power of the divine spirit that exists in its lower physical form. The head of a man symbolizes the intelligence of the mind which must be cultivated in order to elevate the consciousness into a higher spiritual state so that it may become divine. Metaphorically speaking, it is the suppression of the lower animal nature and the refinement of the thought process that leads to the spiritual evolution of man. Spiritually speaking, it is only by conquering the “beast” within that one is capable of truly knowing God.”

As stated before, Boule’ means “advisor to the king”, and we clarified last piece that the king is the Rockefeller Foundation. If we were to bring some numerology into this, the sphinx’s number is 9. The riddle of the Sphinx is what walks on 4, 2, then 3. That equals 9. 4 symbolized the ignorant man (baby); 2, the intellectual (young adult); and 3, the spiritual (old man with cane, which means wisdom).
The masonic definition of the number 9 is the natural number of man AND the lower worlds (or evil)! Looking at the logo, you will notice under the sphinx in between the Greek letters, there are 2 sets of 3×3 squares. Brother Steve Cokely pointed out, after attending a Boule’ national conference a couple years ago, that each square represented each of the 4 black frats and 4 black sororities. The final square belongs to the one that started it all, the Boule’!
You will also notice the sphinx with his right paw covering an earn (vase). Inside the earn we see a circle-within-a-circle with a dot in the middle. This had 2 meanings. First, the circle-within-a-circle is the symbol of the Rockefeller Foundation (which is subservient to the Rothschild/Rhodes secret society, the Illuminati).
So what the sphinx is doing is what it’s definition is, “protect, guard; gatekeeper”. It is protecting the interests of white supremacy! The second meaning is the circle within the circle has a dot in the middle. The circle, including the dot is the symbol of Ra. Our ancient Sun God, or Heru of the original trinity, Ausar, Auset, and Heru. The outer circle is like a enclosed layer, closing off the power of Ra, along with the paw to further conceal the truth of our ancient history the beast knows is very vital to our upliftment! There are many symbols out here that have racist definitions. Remember the saying, “A picture speaks a thousand words”. 

This is a code of communication we originated on the walls and temples back in KMT (Metu Neter or as the Greeks call it, hieroglyphics).The Boule’s colors are blue and white and is a cipher within itself. Blue has a close relationship with masonry. In masonry, blue resembled the lower protective lodges. These are also the code of silence lodges. They are the front line of the protective layer. The color white really needs no elaboration, but we will for those white worshipers …it represents the race they respect the most.
The Boule’ has taken a sworn oath to maintain the state of white supremacy and to never let you know the whites that rule the world. It’s just like the house negro/field Afrikan theory. The white ‘massa’ needed a house negro to keep an eye on the rest of the Afrikans to alert him if there would be an uprising (the word ‘negro’ stands for clarification. Many have been taught that negro is Spanish and means black. But the Spanish got this word from the Greeks, who called ‘necro’. Necro in greek means DEAD! So what we are dealing with when dealing with ‘negroes’ is DEAD-thinking Afrikans!). The Boule’ is no different. They are guaranteed table scraps as long as they keep the rest of us in check. They are allowed to get high paying salaries, luxurious cars, even their own businesses (although dictated by whites — look at Ebony, Jet, Essence, Black Enterprise, etc and notice the many white advertisements inside each issue. These are the one’s who dictate what goes in and goes out of each issues of these so-called black magazines.) as long as they ‘inform’ massa of any Marcus Garvey’s, Queen Tiye’s, Malcolm X’s, or Queen Nzingha’s.
We,(African diaspora) have been handed cultural, political and religious belief systems used to great advantage by these generational Satanists and lying collectives.These elite systems promote dissension, division, hatred, bigotry and war. According to the ruling powers, people are objects that need to be controlled. Therefore, we have men and women in high places that are soulless and beyond the reach of normal reasoning processes.We have an ancient enemy with a large collection of demonic assistants. The evil elite has had a good run. Though they may be certain skin colors, certain nationalities and creeds, they are apart from you and me. We must stand up like the true Kings and Queens we are. We must let the truth be known. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013



“Beware of false prophets, who come to you insheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.” – Yahushua in Matthew 7:15 (NKJV)    
“We came in like lambs and will rule like wolves.” -Francesco Borgia, Third Jesuit Superior General.
(The Superior General of the Society of Jesus is the official title of the leader of the Roman Catholic religious order, the Jesuits. He is generally addressed as Father General. The position sometimes carries the derogatory nickname of the Black Pope. The current Superior General is the Reverend Father Adolfo Nicolás.)

The Society of Jesus, more commonly referred to as the Jesuits, are the armed militia of the Roman Catholic Church.  They were sanctioned in 1540 by Pope Paul III with one mandate: to defeat Protestantism and regain global Papal rule.  To achieve this monumental task, they employ ever-adapting methods of pseudo-education, social programs, infiltration, and all wickedness that could possibly be conceived.  Needless to say, they are achieving great success in their mission, which is climaxing with the present pope, Pope Francis, i.e.  the Eighth and last Pope of Revelation 17, who held some of the highest positions in Argentina, including Provincial Superior in the Society of Jesus and Archbishop of Buenos Aires.   He was made a cardinal by Pope John Paul II.
Today most of the world is oblivious as to how Jesuits operate, from their inception to this very day.  Now more than ever, World’s Last Chance believes it is exceedingly important to bring up the following historical facts about this evil society, to expose the wicked nature of this truly malevolent order.
Fact #1
Pope Clement XIV abolished the Jesuits as a society in 1773:
It did not take long for the 18th Century Catholic nations to get tired of the meddling of the Jesuits into their national affairs.   They were so infuriated against the Jesuits that they demanded the Roman Catholic Church abolish them once and for all.  Sufficient political pressure was brought to bear on Pope Clement XIII.  However, he passed away before he could do anything about it.  The task of abolishing the Society of Jesus then fell on his successor, Clement XIV.  As Clement XIV signed the decree abolishing the Jesuit Order he said, “I have signed my death warrant,…” Within nine months he was dead.  [Many contemporaries considered his death a case of poisoning, and suspected the Jesuits were responsible].

Fact #2
No other entity on Earth was expelled and suppressed by Catholic and non-Catholic countries as the Jesuits:
Obviously the Jesuits were not expelled from many nations (even Catholic nations) because of their educational or charity work.  They were expelled for engaging in and carrying out subversive political plots against humanity to advance their own cause.
“Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] was expelled from at least 83 countries, city states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a Jesuit priest of repute [i.e., Thomas J.  Campbell].  Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection.”
The Jesuits are known for their deception, spying, infiltration, assassination, and revolution.  They worked deep into the political field and plotted through politics throughout the world countries.
Source: “The Babington Plot”, by J.E.C.  Shepherd, p.12
When the Jesuits are expelled from a country, they simply change strategies and return to the country they were expelled from under a new disguise.  The following sums up their operational strategy:
“We came in like lambs and will rule like wolves.  We shall be expelled like dogs and return like eagles.”
Source: Francesco Borgia, Third Jesuit Superior General.
Fact #3
Hitler modeled his dreaded SS army and party after the organizational structure of the Jesuits and the Roman Catholic Church:
“…the SS organization had been constituted according to the principles of the Jesuit Order.”
Source: “The Secret History of the Jesuits,” by Edmond Paris, p.  164
Walter Schellenberg, former chief of Nazi counter-espionage made this statement: ”The S.S.  organization had been constituted by Himmler [Heinrich Himmler, leading member of the Nazi party] according to the principles of the Jesuit Order.  Their regulations and the Spiritual Exercises prescribed by Ignatius of Loyola were the model Himmler tried to copy exactly.  Himmler’s title as supreme chief of the S.S.  was to be the equivalent of the Jesuits’ ‘General’ and the whole structure was a close imitation of the Catholic Church’s hierarchical order.” ”The Secret History of the Jesuits,” by Edmond Paris, p.  164
Above all I have learned from the Jesuits.   And so did Lenin too, “far as I recall.  The world has never known anything quite so splendid as the hierarchical structure of the Catholic Church.  There were quite a few things I simply appropriated from the Jesuits for the use of the Party.
Source: Manfred Barthel, “The Jesuits: History and Legend of the Society of Jesus (New York, 1984), Adolf Hitler,  p.266.
“I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits”, said Hitler…  “Until now, there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic Church.  I transferred much of this organization into my own party…  I am going to let you in on a secret…  I am founding an Order…  In my “Burgs” of the Order, we will raise up a youth which will make the world tremble…  Hitler then stopped, saying that he couldn’t say any more..
Source: “Hermann Rauschning, former national-socialist chief of the government of Dantzig: “Hitler m’a dit”, (Ed.  Co-operation, Paris 1939, pp.266, 267, 273 ss).
“The Fuhrer had come to power, thanks to the votes of the Catholic Zentrum [Center Party overseen by Jesuit Ludwig Kaas], only five years before 1933, but most of the objectives cynically revealed in Mein Kampf were already realized; this book .  .  .  was written by the Jesuit controlled Father Bernhardt Stempfle and signed by Hitler.  For .  .  .  it was the Society of Jesus which perfected the famous Pan-German programme as laid out in this book, and the Fuhrer endorsed it.”
Source: Edmond Paris, The Secret History of the Jesuits, page 138
Franz von Papen, another powerful Nazi, who was instrumental in setting up the concordat between Germany and the Vatican had this to say: “The Third Reich is the first world power which not only acknowledges but also puts into practice the high principles of the papacy.”
Signing the concordat is Cardinal Pacelli (later to become Pope Pius XII). By 1933 he was the Vatican Secretary of State. Second from left is Franz von Papen, a sinister Nazi and devout Roman Catholic who was Hitler’s ace diplomat and the Vatican’s agent in helping to bring Hitler to power. Standing at the far right can be seen the little-known Vatican prelate, Montini, later to become Pope Paul VI.
Fact #4
Over the last 400 years the Jesuits have succeeded in establishing the largest worldwide network of schools and universities.
These prominent schools and universities, have produced many well known alumni.  Thus, the Jesuits have been able to shape and mould the thinking of many famous world leaders, and produce generations of political and religious leaders who were favorable to the Roman Catholic Church, and her doctrinal agenda.
The renowned British preacher, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, once warned about the church ministers who are graduating from these universities that “… they keep back a portion of the gospel … having studied in the devil’s new Jesuitical college.”
Source: Charles H.  Spurgeon “A Solemn Warning for All Churches,” Sermon No.  68
Fact #5
Agents of the Jesuits have been responsible for assassinating many heads of State over the centuries:
Heads of states were assassinated by the Jesuits, when they attempt to suppress the influence and meddling of the Jesuits in their national affairs.  Of heads of states that are known to have been assassinated by Jesuits we mention for example: William of Orange, Kings Henry III and Henry IV of France, Czars Alexander I and Alexander II of Russia, President Abraham Lincoln and John F.  Kennedy, and Mexican President Benito Pablo Juarez.
Abraham Lincoln was fully aware of the evil nature of the Jesuits.  He stated, “…  it is not against the Americans of the South, alone, I am fighting.  It is more against the Pope of Rome, his perfidious Jesuits and their blind and blood-thirsty slaves that we have to defend ourselves.”
Source: Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, “by Charles Chiniquy.  p.  496
“It would seem that the Jesuits had had it in mind, from the beginning of the war [the American Civil War of 1861-1865], to find an occasion for the taking off [i.e., the assassination] of Mr.  [Abraham] Lincoln.”
Source: Thomas M.  Harris (U.S.  Army Brigadier General; Author of the book Rome’s Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln)
“The favorite policy of the Jesuits [is] that of assassination.”
U.S.  Army Brigadier General Thomas M.  Harris; “Rome’s Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln”; 1897; Page 19) 
“It is of faith that the Pope has the right of deposing heretical and rebel kings. Monarchs so deposed by the Pope are converted into notorious tyrants, and may be killed by the first who can reach them.
“If the public cause cannot meet with its defense in the death of a tyrant, it is lawful for the first who arrives, to assassinate him.”
[Defensio DideiJesuit Suarez, Book VI. C 4, Nos. 13, 14]
[Donald] Freed remembers what apparently passes for polite conversation when men such as [William] Colby and [Ray] Cline get together. “It was quite bizarre” Freed said, “for the subject they chose was, ‘When is it acceptable to assassinate a head of state?’ Colby presented what he said was a theological and philosophically sound approach. “The Catholic Church,” he said, “had long since wrestled with this question and had,” to Colby’s mind, emerged with a sound concept: “It is acceptable,” he said, “to assassinate a tyrant.”  [Donald Freed is a friend of the author, Mark Lane.  He organized a conference at USC for the U.S. intelligence community and its critics to meet.  In the panel were Lane, Ellsberg and John Gerassi, all critics. On the other side were William Colby, former DCI (Director of Central Intelligence from September 1973 to January 1976), David Atlee Phillips, and Ray Cline, former deputy DCI’s.]
[Plausible Denial, Mark Lane, 1991, p. 85]
President John F. Kennedy was another victim of appalling Jesuit wickedness.  Once he outwardly distanced himself from the Papal agenda and stood for more liberal ideals and human rights, he was considered, by their standards, a traitor to the Vatican and a “tyrant” worthy of death.
This is an excerpt from “Vatican Assassins” by Eric Jon Phelps
Knowing that President Kennedy was not going to escalate the Vietnam War, the Intelligence Community began to prepare for his assassination. . . . Cardinal Spellman [Francis Spellman, Archbishop of New York from 1939-1967], through FDR, had arranged the release of “Lucky” Luciano . . . Now the Cardinal needed a favor. If refused, Spellman could use the entire intelligence community which he had helped to organize, to eliminate any mob boss. If agreed to, new gambling centers would open up, Atlantic City in particular.  Clearly, if the President [JFK] was removed, everybody would acquire more power and wealth, the intelligence community would become more absolute, and the Cardinal would be even more respected by his peers in Rome.
Later, in 1964, for the first time in history, the Pope of Rome set foot in Fourteenth Amendment America. Cardinal Spellman had performed well and was rewarded by a visit from his Master, fellow Cold Warrior and Vatican Ratline handler, Cardinal Montini, who was now Pope Paul VI.  There is yet another reason for the removal of President Kennedy. He wanted to arm Israel. Loftus writes:
“In September 1962 Kennedy decided to supply Israel with defensive ground-to-air missiles capable of stopping aircraft, but not the Egyptian offensive missiles. It was the first arms sale by the U.S. Government to Israel…. Kennedy promised the Israelis that as soon as the 1964 election was over, he would break the CIA ‘into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds’…. With Kennedy’s assassination in November 1963, the Israelis lost the best friend they had in the White House since Truman departed.” Source: The Secret War Against The Jews, John Loftus, 1994]
     And why did the Vatican’s Jesuits not want any arms sales to Israel at this time? Why did the Jesuit-controlled President Johnson turn his back as the Egyptian army moved up through the Sinai desert to prepare its assault on Israel in 1967? Because the attack upon Israel had to be provoked. That attack was provoked by the Jesuits’ International Intelligence Community through Egypt falsely perceiving the weakness of the Israeli army and the supposed abandonment of Israel by the American Empire.  The six-day war, engineered by Knight of Malta James Angleton, had one primary purpose: the taking of Jerusalem along with the Temple Mount. The apparent lack of military hardware on the part of Israel provoked the planned attack by Egypt. Therefore, Israel launched a preemptive strike and, in six days, the holy city was in the hands of Rome’s Zionist government.

Had Kennedy armed Israel, the Egyptians would never have been emboldened to maneuver for war. With no provoked war, there would have been no Israeli attack. With no Israeli attack, Jerusalem would never have been taken by the Zionists, controlled by the Jesuits’ Mossad.  With Jerusalem in Arab hands, the Zionists could never rebuild Solomon’s Temple—unbeknown to them—for the Jesuits’ “infallible” Pope,
“Who opposeth and exalted himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so he is God sitteth in the temple of God [Solomon’s rebuilt temple], showing himself that he is God.”
-[II Thes 2:4] 
It is safe to say that the Jesuit Generalusing the Pope with his most powerful Cardinal, [assassinated President Kennedy].
One might assume that this emotive painting would hang somewhere in Dallas, Texas or perhaps in the Smithsonian.  And one would be wrong on both counts.  This painting of President John F. Kennedy’s gruesome assassination, by Mark Balma, hangs in the Vatican Cathedral of St. Paul.  The painting is entitled “Pietà” after Michelangelo’s famous sculpture of Mary holding the body of the crucified Christ, which is also located at the Vatican.  Isn’t this a macabre way to “celebrate” the life of perhaps America’s most beloved President? or is this rather an homage to the Jesuit agenda, serving as a stern warning/reminder to those willing to cross them?
Fact #6
The Jesuits today control all the powerful secret societies that are shaping the New World Order
“The list of secret societies being controlled by the Jesuits today include: the Freemasonry, the Knights of Malta, the Bilderberg group, and the higher levels of the Knights of Columbus, and the highest levels of Opus Dei – and all the subgroups that fall under these powerful entities.”
“There are still …[men and women] about the country, who will tell you, with grim gravity that, if you trace up Masonry, through all its Orders, till you come to the grand tip-top, head Mason of the world, you will discover that the dread individual and the Chief of the Society of Jesus are one and the same person!”
Source: James Parton, 1855, American Historian, The Black Pope, M.F.  Cusack, (London: Marshall, Russell & Co., 1896) p.  76.
If the above is true, than the example below would be a meeting of two of the most powerful men on Earth! The Head of the Jesuits and the Pope, who is also a Jesuit.
Father General Nicolás [Superior General of the Society of Jesus/Jesuits] meets with Pope Francis and wrote of his experience.
“At the personal invitation of the Pope Francis I went to the Santa Marta House. . . He was at the entrance and received me with the usual Jesuit embrace. We had a few pictures taken, at his request, and at my apologies for not keeping protocol he insisted that I treat him like any other Jesuit at the “Tu” level, so I did not have to worry about addressing him as “Your Holiness,” or “Holy Father.”  I offered him all our Jesuit resources because in his new position he is going to need counsel, thinking, persons, etc. He showed gratitude for this and at the invitation to visit us for lunch at the Curia he said he would oblige.  There was full commonality of feeling on several issues that we discussed and I remained with the conviction that we will work very well together for the service of the Church …
There was calm, humor and mutual understanding about past, present and future.  I left the Casa de Santa Marta convinced that the Pope will gladly count on our collaboration in the vineyard of the Lord.  At the end he helped me with my coat and accompanied me to the door.  That added a couple of salutes to me from the Swiss Guards there.  A Jesuit embrace, once again, as the natural way to greet and send off a friend.”
Fact #7
The Jesuits are responsible for fomenting the two world wars and escalating the Vietnam War after President Kennedy’s assassination:
Image URL:
“The public is practically unaware of the overwhelming responsibility carried by the Vatican and its Jesuits in the starting of the two world wars – a situation which may be explained in part by the gigantic finances at the disposition of the Vatican and its Jesuits, giving them power in so many spheres, especially since the last conflict.”
Source: Edmond Paris, The Secret History of the Jesuits, page 9
The documented atrocities committed by the Jesuits, particularly those under the Ustachi (or Ustaše) are particularly disturbing and shocking, especially since there are actual photographs of such evil.  This didn’t happen hundreds or thousands of years ago.  It happened in the 1940’s!  Here are a few links to some of the nothing short of satanic genocide the Ustachi carried out under the rule of Ante Pavelić, a Catholic Croatian fascist leader, who occupied part of Yugoslavia for Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, and ultimately for the Papacy.  For many in Yugoslavia it was either convert to Catholicism or be brutally tortured and killed.
 Catholic Bishops giving the Nazi salute in honor of Hitler; Note far right: Joseph Goebbels and second from right: Wilhelm Frick
 Pavelić facing Cardinal Stepinac who was arrested for War crimes and went to jail and died under house arrest but was beautified by the Pope JPII in 1998
Ustachi symbol
Fact #8
After Pope Pius VII was freed from exile in 1814, his first order of business upon returning to Rome was to restore the Jesuit order
The papacy suffered great humiliation at the hand of Napoleon.  Thus, right after the defeat of Napoleon in 1814, Pope Pius VII was freed from imprisonment and was returned to Rome.  The need to restore the Jesuit militia became an urgent matter.  Rome did not want to be deprived again of the services of the Jesuits, no matter how burdensome this service was to the Church of Rome, and its allies.
“In the agreement to rescue Rome [i.e., the Roman Catholic Church’s hierarchy] from the predicament of losing its world control to Protestantism, and to preserve the spiritual and temporal supremacy which the popes [had] ‘usurped’ during the Middle Ages, Rome now ‘sold’ the [Roman Catholic] Church to the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuits]; in essence the popes surrendered themselves into their hands.”
Source: John Daniel (“The Grand Design Exposed”; 1999; Page 64)
Fact #9
The Jesuit Order took over the Office of Inquisition shortly after it was sanctioned and this led to the martyrdom of millions of saints
In 1254 Pope Alexander IV established the Office of the Inquisition.  The first inquisitor was Dominic, who was the founder of the Dominican order of monks.
However, shortly after Pope Paul III sanctioned the Society of Jesus, the Office of Inquisition was revived and the Pope gave free reign to the Jesuits to run this office, and the inquisitor Generals were granted exceptional powers in carrying out their mandate to root out of all “heretics.” This caused the martyrdom of millions of saints.
The quotes below show the effect of Jesuits taking over the Office of the Inquisition:
“Need I speak to you of the thirty years’ war in Germany, which was mainly instigated by the Jesuits, in order to deprive the Protestants of the right of free religious worship, secured to them by the treaty of Augsburg? Or of the Irish rebellion, of the inhuman butchery of about fifteen millions of Indians in South America, Mexico and Cuba, by the Spanish papists? In short, it is calculated by authentic historians, that papal Rome has shed the blood of sixty-eight millions of the human race in order to establish her unfounded claims to religious dominion.” Source: Dr.  Brownlee’s “Popery an enemy to civil liberty”, p.  105
“This was the century of the last religious wars in “Christendom,” the Thirty Years’ War in Germany, fomented by the Jesuits, reducing the people to cannibalism, and the population of Bohemia from 4,000,000 to 780,000, and of Germany from 20,000,000 to 7,000,000, and making Southern Germany almost a desert, …”
Source: Cushing B.  Hassell, History of the Church of God, Chapter XVII.
Writing about the Jesuits, [John] Lord states
“They are accused of securing the revocation of the Edict of Nantes,– one of the greatest crimes in the history of modern times, which led to the expulsion of four hundred thousand Protestants from France, and the execution of four hundred thousand more.”
Source: John Lord, Beacon Lights of History, volume VI, p.  325.
“In Bohemia, by 1600, in a population of 4,000,000, 80 per cent were Protestant.   When the Hapsburgs and Jesuits had done their work, 800,000 were left, all Catholics.”
Source: Henry H., Pocket Bible Handbook, Chicago, 13th edition, 1939, p.  790.
Fact #10
The Jesuits succeeded in their destructive agenda through dominating the confessor field wherever they went
“The Jesuits became the predominant group supplying confessors to (meaning, hearers of the confessions of) kings and princes and those in authority.  As the New Catholic Encyclopedia says, “they acted as royal confessor to all French kings for 2 centuries, from Henry III to Louis XV; to all German emperors after the early 17th century; to all Dukes of Bavaria after 1579; to most rulers of Poland and Portugal; to princely families throughout Europe.
“As advisors to kings, they influenced political policy.  A royal confessor was not slow to tell a king that he had a duty to make the kind of political alliances that would promote the temporal interests of the Church.  It was Le Tellier, Jesuit confessor to Louis XIV, who in the 1680′s persuaded that monarch to revoke the Edict of Nantes, which granted religious liberty to Protestants.”
The Jesuits are even confessors of popes.  “The Pope’s confessor, an ordinary priest, must be a Jesuit: he must visit the Vatican once a week at a fixed time, and he alone may absolve the Pope of his sins.”
Ignatius Loyola – Jesuit Founder – by Francisco Zurbaran
Given the above historic facts about the Jesuits, it is incredulous and most shocking to see the media and the world’s religious and political leaders stampeding to endorse and praise Pope Francis.  We have no words to describe this unprecedented global epidemic of memory loss towards Rome and her Jesuits.
The prescient warning of General Sherman is most appropriate to quote today:
“I would remind you of Webster’s definition of a Jesuit: a designer, an intriguer.  If the Church of Rome prevailed, the Pope would be the Universal King .  .  .  The Jesuits are here to plot and scheme and, if possible, take from us the noble heritage of our civil and religious freedom.  The rules of the Jesuit Order justify theft, licentiousness, lying, false-witness bearing, suicide and the murder of parents and other relatives.  The greatest crimes in history committed against individuals and nations have been committed by the Jesuits .  .  .  Wherever Jesuits are they have the torch to burn, the sword to slay, the inquisition to torture.  They are the enemies of [Bible-believing] Christianity.  They live for conquest, fortune and glory.”
Source: General Sherman’s Son: The Life of Thomas Ewing Sherman, S.J., Joseph T.  Durkin, S.  J., (New York: Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1959) p.  186.
It is our duty to as followers of Yahuwah to expose Rome and her Jesuits, and to pray for the utter destruction of their evil deceit.  Prayer is the only weapon we have against this veiled enemy we face today.  Rome and her Jesuits are the greatest enemy of the Gospel and of humanity.  However, we are assured in His prophetic Word that they will not prevail.  The Harlot will be utterly destroyed prior to the Second Coming of Yahushua:
“And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.” Revelation 17:16.
Praise His name for ever and ever!!